#7. Reflecting on Game Development (11/22)

This reading log entry responds to the following assigned articles:

u/LordNed et al. (2018) “A no nonsense ‘How to get started’ guide,” Reddit: /r/gamedev. (Assigned 10/9)

Derek Yu (2010) “Finishing a game,” Make Games, September 17.  (Assigned 10/21)

Stone Librande (2010) “One Page Designs.” This is a PowerPoint document. Make sure notes are visible and pay attention to the different tools designers use to plan their games.  (Assigned 10/28)

Sherri Puchalsky (2016) “What some experienced game developers learned from making their first game,” Kongregate Developers Blog, August 23. (Assigned 11/22)

After you have read through these readings, please write a short, personal response to the reading. In your response, at a minimum, you should comment on at least two interesting, confusing, or controversial ideas that you took away from one of the assigned articles. Your reading log entry should be between 200 and 300 words, but you should feel free to write a longer response if you have much to say.

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Alexi Mouratoff
Alexi Mouratoff

Alexi Mouratoff Derek Yu (2010) “Finishing a game,” Make Games, September 17. Derek Yu Guide felt very helpful and all of his tips felt validated for the attempt I want to do for my own game. His ideas with potential helped me want to make a game that I know I can build but also a little bit challenging. I agree that Game is not a game intill you have actually created a completed product that is playable Theri is no way I would ever make my own game engine/industry has drifted more towards people using pre-exisig engines such as… Read more »

Pablo Traversari
Pablo Traversari

After reading Sherri Puchalsky’s article on what some experienced game developers learned on making their first game, the main ideas that most interested me, and in some way have aided me in the development of my own second game and helped me realize some of the good and bad things I did for my first game, was choosing my first project wisely and being able to handle feedback for it. As Puchalsky mentions in her article, “Your first projects are about learning, and part of what you are learning is how to manage complexity and finish projects,” I feel the… Read more »

Tony Ramirez

All of these articles were about game developers giving their advice to new game makers. For the most part, the articles highlighted practices that I have been doing since I started making games in my game dev class. The Puchalsky article, had a lot of the tips that I currently use in game development. The feedback tip stood out to me most. I test all of the games that I make with my friends first and tells them to give me their honest opinion of how to fix it. This is very similar to UI design in computer science where… Read more »

Nicole Stackmann

The articles for this entry were very helpful and I am really grateful that I read them in times of stress when trying to figure out what to do for my final project. The first article i read was “A no nonsense “How to get Started” Guide.” For those people who barely know about video games… a.k.a me. Or even people that do know a lot, but have never tried doing one, you should know three things: 1. Anyone can make a video game 2. Making video games can be both a frustrating and rewarding activity. 3. There is no… Read more »