Final Writeup

DIY Project

The DIY project was a lot of fun. I chose a project, in making paper that was pretty far out of my comfort zone. This project showed me that I am a visual learner, as the most helpful guides for me were the video guides. It also showed me a new field that I had not tried before, and it actually got me interested in continuing the project with differing variables. This project also showed me to start projects much earlier. My initial goal for this project was to make ink and paper from scratch, however when I was gathering materials for both, I could not find the crucial ingredients needed to make ink. I then attempted to make the ink with other materials, which did not end up going so well, mainly because of how difficult the instructions were for me to read. All in all, I thought this project was a good way to get me creative juices flowing for this class.



I had never done animation before doing this project, but I learned from the project that animation with adobe animate is doable, just time consuming. I spent a long time working on this project, the concepts were hard to grasp at first. However, I feel like this just shows how dedicated I can be to learning a new skill, especially if it is something that interests me. This project also showcased my strong organizational skills, as I had to plan out each scene and give myself enough time to execute them.


Platform Game

This was such a fun game to work on. I started by making basic platform game elements (player, enemies, things to jump on) and then scaling from there. I added powerups, satisfying sounds, and different ways for the player to power themselves up that is unique to this game. This game also taught me to constantly beta test a game through development, which I had friends do often to ensure that the game was conveying what I wanted it to convey and that it was balanced yet fun for the player. This game was also my first try at making video game bosses. While this boss was simplistic, it still demonstrated a conclusion to this difficult yet rewarding game experience.


Final Game

Before the final game was assigned, I thought about what my final game for class would be. I decided early on that I wanted a horror- themed game. The only problem was that I wanted the player to have to interact with the monster, the result was a unique game mechanic in which the player has to get as close to the monsters as they can in order to take a picture of them. This change in game mechanics to suit my needs demonstrates how I am able to quickly alter what I want from my games to make it more unique and fun for the player. I think I enjoyed developing this game the most, as I put into it all that I had learned from previous experience making games.

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