Goblin Run


Goblin Run Final Project 

Overall Vision

Summary: Goblin Run is a third-person game, in which you need to escape the different dungeon levels by collecting all treasures found in your way and defeat your enemies. 

Genre: Goblin Run is an action/adventure game whereby traveling across the different maps and defeating the enemies, you can collect hidden treasures along the way. 

Target audience: Goblin Run is rated as an E type of video game, in which anyone older than the age of 6 is really able to play this game as it does not involve complex control mechanics, and the game itself is more purely for simple entertainment rather than anything else. 

Game Mechanics

Character goals: Once the player begins the game, their main objective is to navigate the different mazes retrieving the hidden treasures while destroying your enemies so as to win the game. 

Abilities: The primary skills which the Goblin character poses are basic movement controls in moving forward and backward using the control keys, as well as jumping, and a final attack control by holding down the A key so as to defeat the enemies around. 

Obstacles: The most significant obstacles in Goblin Run other than the wandering enemies found scattered around, would be the maze itself, as the player will undoubtedly face many challenges in being able to navigate the labyrinth correctly so as not to have to repeat the entire process over and over again. 

Items: The main items in this game are a variety of treasures found in each level, from gold necklaces and earrings to silver rings, and even plated armor. 

Resources: The primary resources the player will need to manage well are the three lives assigned to him on each level, as well as the ability to remember and carefully travel around both levels in order to complete the game. 

Game Dynamics

User Interaction: The only element that is needed to play Goblin Run is a laptop or computer, and a basic keypad in order to control the character movements. This is emphasized in the first layout of the game where the instructions and directions for it are immediately seen there and then gradually fade away. 

Proficiency: The main proficiency the player will need in order to win Goblin Run is mostly being able to calculate the character’s ability to nativage and move through the maze, as well as remember certain parts of it in order to advance to the next level and ultimately win. 

Gameplay Data: The main gameplay data displayed throughout the game is the character’s health and the number of lives, as he will only be able to move forward to the next level once he has collected every treasure in each level. 

Controlling the game: Once the player starts the game, they can either “pause” the game by simply stopping the character in certain areas of the map where there aren’t any enemies, and to quit, they would simply just have to close the game entirely. 

Game Aesthetics

Overall: Goblin Run is meant to feel as relaxed as well as intriguing experience for the players, in order to drive their interest in playing the game and exploring each of the levels there are. 

Game art: The game is almost completely based on pixel art characters, animations, objects, and even background, with the exception of the background art found in the credits page.  

Sound: The main soundtrack that plays throughout the game is a Dungeon-likes Esque music that is more relax and soothing rather than ominous or scary. 

 Plot: As the player first begins the game, we are introduced in the first layout to game objective, in which a Goblin character (most likely a “thief” haha) travels through an abandoned dungeon to retrieve valuable treasures in order to escape with them. 

Emotional state: The main emotional state of this game is to make the player feel interested and excited to play this game, as well as relaxed and calmed by the soothing background music, in order to avoid anyone from feeling frustrated in case they are not able to pass through the different levels there are. 

Fun: The biggest gratification this game can create in players is discovery, problem-solving, and role-playing feelings for people. Given that, although the game may appear rather simple and easy to beat, it does create some challenges for players and requires their intuition and ingenuity to be able to win it successfully.     


Thanks to the amazing game assets found in itch.io, I was able to find the majority of the components I needed in order to build and create my game. Mainly, the Goblin character sprite, was the luckiest of finds as not only the characters in itself is well designed but also it carries around a torch which just played excellently with the type of game I wanted to create. While, for the treasure items and enemy characters, I also found great assets in itch.io that have further contents that I would greatly encourage anyone to use. Likewise, for the background design for the credits layout of my game, I feel the creator for it has an amazing quality to the designs he makes and which can be easily used in a number of different ways. Finally, also for the two tilemaps (first and second) I used to design the maze for my game, using both of these tilemaps to design my game was incredibly cool as not only was it easier for me to freely use these assets to design my own game but more importantly, it has some amazing material to create even more designs for it. 


Creating this game was much more enjoyable for me this time around than my previous one, primarily, I truly liked the fact that I continued on the creation of this pixelated games as I find them to be so beautifully aesthetics to play and watch. In many ways, my experience using Construct 3 this time was more comfortable and less stressful for me as I was familiar with more of the coding aspects to it. The biggest challenge I faced was figuring out how to create the light element to it so that the player is only able to see a small part of the map as he travels with the goblin character, but with some help, I was able to solve that problem quickly. In many ways, I am much happier and prouder with how the game came out overall at the end compared to my previous one as I feel there are more complete aspects to it and some more fun challenging experiences that will make players like this game better. 

Thinking about how and what I might do with this knowledge I now have in how to use Construct 3, I don’t know if I will continue to use this program in the future after I graduate. However, I do feel that the biggest lesson learned overall through the discovery and practice of knowing how to use it, has served me in understanding that one is truly able to learn any new type of things through their own will and determination with some practice.  

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