Holding the Mirror at an Angle: Looking Back

Necklace: That was Easy – In my first project of the semester, a DIY, I took on the task of crafting a necklace from staples.  I learned a lot from this experience, like how to accidentally super glue my fingers together.


Boyterfly: Are All Butterflies Actually Boys – This animation tells the story of a boy wandering on a lone road.  After he encounters a swarm of butterflies, he is transformed into one, leaving the audience with the question “are all butterflies actually boys?”


Rupert’s Butterfly Parade – In this game, you play as Rupert the Raccoon as he tries to collect as many butterflies as possible for his butterfly parade.


Monster Battle: Hidden Arena – In this game, you play as an individual crawling through the dungeons of Mongal who somehow gets sucked into a monster duel.

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