Placeholder Platform Game Post


During the past month, the class has made great progress with Construct 3. In this assignment, due before class on Friday, November 8th, you will create your own platform game using new assets.

Game Requirements

Your game should meet the following requirements, but you are welcome to include things which go well beyond this:

  • Levels: Visually unified splash page with instructions, at least two playable levels, and a game over page.
  • Gameplay: Ability to find and use a weapon (broadly defined), escalating difficulty, puzzles.
  • Objects: Player displays walk, jump, stand animations, multiple enemies, platforms, power-ups, treasure, “weapon,” and “puzzle objects.” ß Again, all of these can be broadly defined.
  • Multimedia: Game should include sound effects, and background music is optional. Homework sprites should not be recycled for this project. It is OK to use public domain assets or “free honor bundle” assets, as long as you give credit. Please do not purchase assets without first talking to me about this.
  • Code: Objects and layers should follow consistent naming conventions, code in events sheet should be thoroughly documented with comments and groups.

Your game should also take into account ideas from recent readings that discuss the art of game design. This includes the articles by Diorgo Jonkers (2012) about platform game design, the Tulleken (2015) and Seitz (2012) articles about color in games, the Bradley (2017) and Quintans (2013) essays on game interface design, and the Suddaby (2012) and Jamieson (2017) articles about game tutorials.

Game Write-Up: Abbreviated Game Design Document

The main write-up for this project is an abbreviated game design document. You should assemble this in Microsoft Word, and then — when it is fully proofread — you should upload it as a blog posting. Please proofread thoroughly and ask a friend to review your document. When you’re satisfied that it is ready to turn in, you should copy and paste the content of the Word document into your blog posting.

Within your blog posting, please include screenshots of the splash page, the levels, and the game over page. These should be captioned and labeled screenshots. Your blog posting should, of course, include a link to the playable game.

Author uses descriptive names and a consistent naming convention for all objects and layouts. / 6
Author annotates event sheet with comments which explain what the code is doing. Author uses groups to keep chunks of code organized. / 4
Game works and meets all criteria on the reverse side of this document. / 18
Game displays visual polish (e.g. no glitches, consistent graphic style, appropriate and consistent typefaces, consistent color scheme). C3 project properties window contains complete contact information about the author. / 6
Blog post reflects on the development process, includes link to the game design document, and includes link to the game itself. Blog post also includes screenshots of the splash pages and segments of the various level pages. / 3
Author posts a complete game design document that is completely fleshed out. / 4
Author includes a “credits” blurb at the bottom that acknowledges and thanks the human beings and companies that created game images, sounds, and related tools. (See example from animation assignment, or from appended game design document template.) Author also copies this blurb into the bottom of the event sheet as a comment. This way, the credits will always travel with the game. / 4
Author’s written and digital work demonstrates mastery of writing mechanics (e.g. consistent verb tense, no incomplete sentences, no run-ons or comma splices, uses textured and specific descriptions). / 5
  TOTAL: / 50
At the beginning of the event sheet or the end of the event sheet, in a section labeled ‘design notes,’ author uses comments to make specific, numbered connections to two or more of the assigned game design readings. (One point per reading, with a limit of 5 points overall.)


/ 5

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