Race to the End Harrison Williams


Hello everyone. I wanted to make a multiplayer game in general. I have always liked playing with friends more than playing alone. Thinking about all the game I could make I decided to make a racing game since I have never made one before. I, myself, am not a fan of racing games but I do like playing with friends. I just like playing with friends. That’s who I am trying to target people wanting to have some fun. As for the mechanics of the game, there really aren’t any other then the multiplayer aspect. In order to make them this work I had to understand how it worked. In short Construct 3 multiplayer works by taking information from the “client” and sending it to the “host.” This allows the host to portray the needed information on its screen and send that information back. The major problem is syncing the from the two places. I ended up having a lot of problems due to this. I wasn’t able to create an ending since I would have had to sync up another instance variable for each of the sprites. Even for the movement, it was hard to get them working correctly. The characters consist of 4 racers. Since this is a multiplayer game I had to indicate who was who. I was able to do this by changing the color of the sprite based on what the player id was. Now on to the dynamics of the game. For user interactions there is basic movement so that you can race around the track, and the ability to connect to other players. All it requires is for you to make a bunch of right turns. The game play data is that is carried over are all the client information, movements, position, laps, and scrolling for each of the players. The controls are pretty easy to understand as well. It is set up for phones and PCs. There is the 4 basic arrow controls so that people on phones can play. The arrow keys and wasd also work so that no one is left out. When I was able to work on this game (I had a lot of final projects that I thought would have been quick to finish but they were not) It was a lot of fun. I like messing with things. I do like messing with things that are not required for school but this is one of the few exceptions where I do like messing with it. The game art was made by me. I am super proud of my own artistic talent. In reality I want to find/make some actual sprites for the game. The current ones where thrown together so that I had something there to present. The game is very easy to play. There is currently no sound since the game is meant to be played with friends and for everyone to be talking and having fun. There is no plot nor an emotional state since this is a multiplayer racing game. As for why I made it? It was something I haven’t made before. So many times people expect some sort of life changing thing. It really isn’t meant for other people to feel good about it. This is more like a passion project for me. I have never made a racing game so I wanted to. 

As for my reflection on the project, I think I made it pretty clear during the rest of this on how I felt and what I experienced while making this. I enjoyed this project a lot and I’m debating on making some other stuff with construct later depending on how I feel about it. I encountered problems with time (time when not working on other finals) and syncing up information. These later was not a huge problem but the first one was. I am usually able to manage time pretty well, but I am not a good judge of how long something will take. I usually take on to large of a project and have to dedicate more time to it. Unfortunately it was flipped this time. I was right about how much time was required but didn’t have the time to do it. I dedicated all of Tuesday and Wednesday (12/10,12/11) to the project and made the base game work without bugs. I would like to make more games but I also want to do some detailed 3d animations next since I haven’t really been able to do that for a while now. If I had to make something for a game I would probably make cut scenes or logo scenes like at the beginning of a game.


What I used to both understand multiplayer in construct 3 and based mine on.



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