Harrison Williams “Tests To Be Remembered By”

“Tests To Be Remembered By”: https://trinitycommdepartment.com/~hwillia1/Tests%20To%20Be%20Remembered%20By/

  1. Overall vision
    1. Summary: Your goal is to escape the laboratory that has captured you. This 2D Portal inspired puzzle game known as “Test To Be Remembered By”, is meant to test your ingenuity to solve the tests. 
    2. Genre: This is a puzzle game 
    3. Target audience: It is designed to be more towards puzzle fans along with already existing fans of Portal. There isn’t all that much that is needed to play this game. You need a mouse, keyboard, and a monitor or screen to see what you are doing.
  2. Mechanics 
    1. Character goals: Your goal, if you choose to accept it, is to escape from the laboratory that has captured you. 
    2. Abilities: equipped with a portal gun, that may or may not be exposing your body to foreign particles which may or may not be life threatening. At least that’s what it says on the side of it.
    3. Obstacles: The levels themselves are designed to create some sort of challenge. Along with that there are turret(s) that are meant to hinder your path. 
    4. Items: There are extra lives scattered around the levels. These might come in use when not knowing what might come next.
    5. Resources: Unfortunately I couldn’t find any good portal animations so it is an orange and red rectangle. I do plan on creating one. Other then that hp, portals, and bullets are the only thing that have to be managed. 
  3. Dynamics:
    1. User interaction: A keyboard, mouse are needed. The specific keys are specified below or in the controls menu. 
    2. Proficiency: This is a self paced game, so other then the players ingenuity, there is no real proficiency needed. 
    3. Gameplay data: There is only one point of data. Lives. You die you lose one. Hit by a bullet? Loose a life. Fall into a death pit? Loose a life. Lose all your lives? Well then you loose. 
    4. Controlling the game: WASD and space, or the arrow keys along with ctrl for movement. To shoot portals it is the m1/m2. There is also a controls tab on the title page. 
  4. Aesthetics:
    1. It is a very minimalist game. Using squares/rectangles, for most of the sprites, with white and black for the primary colors. The only exceptions are important object such as portals or enemies. As for the feel, it feels like a puzzle game. 
    2. Game art: the game uses primarily pixel art along with blocky text. The background is currently white but I plan on making custom backdrops for every level based on what is needed. (pixel art style)
    3. Sound: I ended up using some music from Portal itself (thought it was a cool reference). As for other sounds I had some fun with them. I do plan on creating custom sound effects and already have some recorded but don’t have enough time to edit them in (have to edit the sound effects themselves before I use them). I used a random assortment of stuff that I just found fun. They do not fit the theme at all but I wanted to have some fun. 
    4. Plot : Your goal is to escape the laboratory that has captured you. The only thing running through your head is survive.
    5. Emotional state: I want the game (other then sound effects) to create a sense of horror mixed with awe. It should be somewhat scary but also fascinating. 
    6. Fun: It is very short but It is meant to be fun. Once I add more levels I want the game to feel grant a feeling of accomplishment. The feeling that you were able to escape, or the feeling of solving a hard puzzle.
  5. Credits:
    1. The background song is Self-Esteem Fund by Kelly Bailey. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pT7pVK5q8tk
    2. The sound effects are from:
      1. Winning: TF2
      2. loosing a life: Simpsons
      3. loosing the game: is the basic sad trombone sound effect but I used this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQeezCdF4mk
      4. The enemy: https://chesskelington.itch.io/security-eye-drone
      5. player: https://s4m-ur4i.itch.io/factory-tileset
      6. The rest was made by me.
    3. Reflection:
      1. I had a lot of fun with this. I had a lot of problems with the portals (teleporting) aspect of the game but after messing around with it for a while I just put a timer for it to “turn off” so that the player wouldn’t be teleported back instantly. I like coding so I do have some background in several different languages. thankfully construct 3 only uses basic logic and referencing so it want that hard to figure out. I did first have to experiment a lot I actually have a test level that has everything in a very small area so that I can test stuff as I go. As I said above I would like to create my own backdrop, sound effects, and player models, but unfortunately I don’t have a month to work on this, also I have other classes I need to work on sadly. I would like to continue this project, do a random room generated dungeon crawler, or a turn based strategy game like Pokemon (only the last one would be multiplayer). While I do like platformers a lot, I do prefer other types of games over them.

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